Celebrating 6 Years Growing! - Get Coupon Codes for 15% off this August
We are Six years old this month!!! It has been quite a journey starting a business from scratch and building it along with my dreams over these past 6 years (of course it started longer ago than that). It is a surprising twist to my life story and not what I had planned for myself during the years of college, courses, trainings and dogged pursuit of what I thought I wanted to do with my life. I'll be sharing more about our journey this month so keep tuned in for that.
-I'll be adding a lot of new blog posts this month with favorite recipes for simple and healthy foods using seasonal fruits and veggies, pairing them with our honeys and other goodies.
-We'll also be sharing more of our origin story and thus the origin of Blue Sage Honey Co and Blue Sage Family Farm. Im a bit a of a private person, we both are, and we don't share about ourselves too often on social media. But our business is an extension of us and we want to give you a deeper understanding for this creation and what makes it unique and special to us and hopefully to you too.
-We will be giving some updates on exciting new artisanal foods, kitchen, garden and home goods that will be coming available this year and beyond. We have so many things we look forward to adding to our Eco Farm Store and I'll be sharing some more news about that during our birthday month.
Thank you for being here, we wouldn't be able to do any of this without you and that's the truth!
Use the coupon code 6YEARSGROWING to get 15% off on the entire store and share the code WELCOMEFRIENDS with anyone you want to so they can also get 15% off on their order. We want to celebrate this mile stone by giving back and meeting new people.